
Check if app is installed for user before displying


Check if app is installed for user before displying

Summary: Fixes T11595. Previously if a user didn't have permissions to view an application it would still appear in the application typeahead in various menus. This change will prevent that by checking if the app is installed for the viewer before displaying it as an option

Test Plan: I went to the "Pin Applications" menu and typed in "Conpherence" and saw it appear as an option. I then went to the "Edit Policies" menu as an admin and removed permissions for my user to use Conpherence. Once I did that, it no longer showed up in the typeahead menu

Reviewers: epriestley, Blessed Reviewers

Reviewed By: epriestley, Blessed Reviewers

Subscribers: Korvin, epriestley, yelirekim

Maniphest Tasks: T11595

Differential Revision: https://secure.phabricator.com/D16518