Quick Look: Suggesting Edits with Inline Comments
2020 Week 20

Starting in 2020 Week 20 (Late May), you can suggest an edit when leaving an inline comment in Differential. This feature makes it much easier to get syntax errors and untested code into production quickly.

Here's the feature in action:

inilne-suggestion.gif (716×978 px, 2 MB)

Written by epriestley on May 22 2020, 9:41 PM.
"Love" token, awarded by alexnb."Mountain of Wealth" token, awarded by tycho.tatitscheff."Like" token, awarded by claassen."Love" token, awarded by PXke."Manufacturing Defect?" token, awarded by avivey."Mountain of Wealth" token, awarded by hskiba."Love" token, awarded by cspeckmim.

Event Timeline

Will this feature come to diffusion for audit workflows?