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- User Since
- Aug 7 2016, 1:27 AM (448 w, 4 d)
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- Available
Jun 16 2017
Aug 10 2016
Thanks for the attention and detailed thoughts. I really appreciate it. I
agree with your comments re standardizing the test interface. This
resolution makes sense to me.
Aug 8 2016
The way I've configured it in the past is to have the build trigger an HTTP call to a parameterized jenkins job (passing the various vars required to update w/ harbormaster.sendmessage). In the past we've needed each team to have / manage a different jenkins job, and so we created a new build plan for each w/ a different HTTP endpoint to call.
Thinking a bit more about the herald / harbormaster approach, I think what might help that workflow, for me at least, is conduit API access to create herald rules and harbormaster build plans.
Can we fix this problem (or set of problems) instead? The workflow you describe is not something we're interested in spending resources supporting since it is much more limited than the Herald + Harbormaster flow in the general case.
Apologies, I should have added more detail to the original task! I am actually trying to use just the staging push to trigger remote tests, and not require each project to setup and maintain herald rules + harbormaster build plans that call out to HTTP endpoints w/ parameters.
Aug 7 2016
I dont see PHID in the results of differential.querydiffs ?