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- User Since
- Jul 14 2015, 12:56 PM (496 w, 3 d)
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May 30 2017
You can leave comments on the left hand side of a 2-up view -- that is, scrolling in EITHER of these areas on 2-up would trigger the problem:
May 24 2017
Dec 16 2016
Yes, triggers sound like they'll do the job. Not to say search and filterability still wouldn't be handy in more ad-hoc cases. Triggers require foresight.
Dec 14 2016
I think when one searches for something, or filters by something, that something does not need to have a "special meaning". Searching for "sandwich" does not require Phabricator to know or care what a "sandwich" is.
Feb 19 2016
Jan 29 2016
Works for me on the iPad Pro. Thank you!
Yep and to be honest this huge iPad is fairly desktop-y. The first time I saw it I kind of had to look twice to make sure it wasn't some run away item from Alice in Wonderland that had snuck into my reality.
(Sorry to butt in here, I don't know the culture of the Phabricator project and maybe it's considered impolite to post diff comments as a stranger. I apologise if that's the case.)
I gave this solution a quick whirl and it works. It preserves mouse over behaviour in regular browsers, and removes the need for double tapping in iOS (while still getting the selection highlights). Let me know if you'd like a patch or if you prefer your device detection approach.
Yeah. On a pure touch device, mouseover is not the most useful event to listen for when it comes to highlighting rows.
I have found the bug. For iOS Safari to send a click event, the handlers of mouseover and mousemove must not change the document content. (Presumably to allow a touch user to reveal things that require mousing over, without actually clicking things.)
Okay I don't think it's related to the 1up vs 2up renderer. Reading the source code I found out that the "1up" renderer seems to be triggered for certain screen widths. So I used an iOS Split View to reduce the width of my browser until it was fairly narrow, and as result I got a unified diff instead, which I believe is the "1up" view.
Not sure what the "1-up renderer" is but if it's 1 vs 2 columns, that's not the problem really. The formatting of the diff is fine (it's a large, desktop size screen).
Jan 27 2016
I can't say I have tried every button, but the same behaviour affects even buttons without tooltips.
Nov 26 2015
2 is such a surprising limit, it misleads you. You look at your wiki and you think, "I was sure I wrote a page on X, but no, I guess I'll start a new one".
Jul 14 2015
I wish I had saved the logs, but alas.
Not sure the migration works as intended.