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- User Since
- Dec 10 2014, 12:25 PM (530 w, 5 d)
- Availability
- Available
Sep 8 2015
Sep 8 2015
Florian added a comment to T6027: Way to edit which column a task is in from the task itself.
That would make this function at least useable in some way, even if it would be a bit complicated if a task has several (5+) projects assigned (which is, what you said already, very rare).
Sep 8 2015, 4:28 AM · Restricted Project, Prioritized, Restricted Project, Mobile, Workboards, Maniphest
Dec 11 2014
Dec 11 2014
Florian added a comment to T5187: Make "Upload File" dialog have a vanilla file upload control.
And unhappily this doesn't solve the problem for mobile browsers :/