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- User Since
- Aug 24 2015, 11:24 PM (499 w, 5 d)
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Feb 20 2017
Mar 3 2016
Mar 2 2016
Feb 18 2016
So, what should I edit to add x drive?
or url such as
gotcha. Keep up the good work guys!
Feb 17 2016
Is there anyway, where we can configure apache so that when i access Personalproject, Apache will forward to the IP address of the phabricator instead?
Okay, but no matter what we will still need the period right?
Hmm, to simplify. This server is in my place, but actually i have many people that access this site. I don't think i could get everyone to modify their host file. Using ip address is what we are using, but would like to switch over if possible.
hmm, it looks like i can't have periods in host names.
What else can i do?
This is setup in a hyper-v machine
hmm, but this is a virtual machine phabricator that i run at home. I still need a dot?
like .. http://Personal.project/ ?
Where do i setup the configuration phabricator.base-uri ?
Feb 16 2016
Feb 4 2016
What version of pfabricator does the following "shouldAppearInListView and renderOnListItem" parameter is available in ManiphestCustomField ?
Oct 26 2015
Oct 9 2015
At the same token, i also tried the query: Advanced Search functions,
Document Types: Manifest Tasks
Document Status: Open
I tried the following:
& it returns with: for (;;);{"error":null,"payload":[]}
chad, i have reinstall a fresh copy. and i still have the same results.
The box still says no result.
Oct 8 2015
sounds great.
I am creating a new copy of ubuntu and installing phab through the script now. Is there any tutorials that show i can migrate my current phab db to the new one?
i also wonder, is it possible that someone can lead me, where in the source code does this querying of the task in manifest merged in function?
chad, i'm wondering. eventhough i am using a packaged install, if i were to perform a upgrade as such, wouldn't it actually update all the files from the phabricator repository?
Oct 7 2015
Thanks chad!
Hope I can solve the bitnami version, else i'll try to self install and port over the db. Hopefully, not a big task.
yes, this is a bitnami version.
Got it, i guess this is cause by installation issues?
i was going to show another image of the DOM Elements. i noticed the webpage has autoid, but mine doesn't.
I tried this function in phabricator, and i selected all task. I noticed the box generates all the task names.
The one i have just stays as an empty box. What should i do here?
when i click "Merge Duplicate In", there isn't any search option.
I also tried inputting a text or task ID into the input box, but it does not have any drop down list like other entries. Then, i enter in the taskID such as T23, then i press the blue "Merge Task". but nothing happen.
Below here is what i see in the input box when i typed the first few letter of the task name:
Oct 6 2015
Sep 1 2015
@chad, does this mean there is no fix for this?
where is the file that consist of this position: static located at?
Aug 31 2015
Yes, i want a way to show files that are linked to the project.
What you suggest works as well. I guess I can edit the project descriptions and add {FileID} in descriptions.
Aug 28 2015
Aug 26 2015
I have configure the following:
sudo ./bin/config set phpmailer.smtp-host
sudo ./bin/config set phpmailer.smtp-port 25
sudo ./bin/config set phpmailer.smtp-protocol ssl
Aug 25 2015
In the /config/group/phpmailer/ they are shown as locked.
Configuration Locked
This configuration is locked and can not be edited from the web interface. Use ./bin/config in phabricator/ to edit it.
I've looked at /mail/ and i see all the queue are Mail related.
and it seems that the first mail is the verification mail to users "Mail 1 Content Redacted".
Is there anyway to terminate all these mail? I have kept the server on for more than 8 hours and the queue has not expire or terminate by itself yet.