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AmazingTrans (John)


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User Details

User Since
Aug 24 2015, 11:24 PM (499 w, 5 d)

Recent Activity

Feb 20 2017

AmazingTrans moved T12293: test1 from test to Backlog on the Sandbox board.
Feb 20 2017, 3:26 AM · Sandbox
AmazingTrans moved T12293: test1 from Backlog to test on the Sandbox board.
Feb 20 2017, 3:26 AM · Sandbox
AmazingTrans moved T12293: test1 from test to Backlog on the Sandbox board.
Feb 20 2017, 3:26 AM · Sandbox
AmazingTrans created T12293: test1.
Feb 20 2017, 3:26 AM · Sandbox

Mar 3 2016

AmazingTrans updated Q329: Set all notification to Notify or none? from to Set all notification to Notify or none?.
Mar 3 2016, 10:44 PM

Mar 2 2016

AmazingTrans closed Q327: Personal Project space visibility as resolved.
Mar 2 2016, 3:05 PM
AmazingTrans added a comment to Q327: Personal Project space visibility (Answer 336).


Mar 2 2016, 3:05 PM
AmazingTrans updated the question details for Q327: Personal Project space visibility.
Mar 2 2016, 2:37 PM
AmazingTrans updated Q327: Personal Project space visibility from Personal Project to Personal Project space visibility.
Mar 2 2016, 2:37 PM
AmazingTrans updated Q327: Personal Project space visibility from to Personal Project.
Mar 2 2016, 2:37 PM

Feb 18 2016

AmazingTrans added a comment to Q312: Creating an external link? (Answer 329).

So, what should I edit to add x drive?
or url such as

Feb 18 2016, 1:57 PM
AmazingTrans closed Q316: Assigning DNS Name as resolved.
Feb 18 2016, 1:30 PM
AmazingTrans added a comment to Q316: Assigning DNS Name (Answer 332).

gotcha. Keep up the good work guys!

Feb 18 2016, 1:29 PM

Feb 17 2016

AmazingTrans added a comment to Q316: Assigning DNS Name (Answer 332).

Is there anyway, where we can configure apache so that when i access Personalproject, Apache will forward to the IP address of the phabricator instead?

Feb 17 2016, 7:56 PM
AmazingTrans added a comment to Q316: Assigning DNS Name (Answer 332).

Okay, but no matter what we will still need the period right?

Feb 17 2016, 7:41 PM
AmazingTrans added a comment to Q316: Assigning DNS Name (Answer 332).

Hmm, to simplify. This server is in my place, but actually i have many people that access this site. I don't think i could get everyone to modify their host file. Using ip address is what we are using, but would like to switch over if possible.

Feb 17 2016, 7:19 PM
AmazingTrans added a comment to Q316: Assigning DNS Name (Answer 332).

hmm, it looks like i can't have periods in host names.
What else can i do?
This is setup in a hyper-v machine

Feb 17 2016, 7:13 PM
AmazingTrans added a comment to Q316: Assigning DNS Name (Answer 332).

hmm, but this is a virtual machine phabricator that i run at home. I still need a dot?
like .. http://Personal.project/ ?
Where do i setup the configuration phabricator.base-uri ?

Feb 17 2016, 7:07 PM
AmazingTrans updated Q316: Assigning DNS Name from to Assigning DNS Name.
Feb 17 2016, 6:59 PM

Feb 16 2016

AmazingTrans updated Q312: Creating an external link? from to Creating an external link?.
Feb 16 2016, 3:46 PM

Feb 4 2016

AmazingTrans added a comment to T418: Integrate CustomField into more interfaces.
In T418#157090, @chad wrote:

What version of pfabricator does the following "shouldAppearInListView and renderOnListItem" parameter is available in ManiphestCustomField ?

Not sure what the context is for this question. This task is open because the feature is not complete.

Feb 4 2016, 8:36 PM · Restricted Project, Restricted Project, Restricted Project, Custom Fields, Maniphest
AmazingTrans added a comment to T418: Integrate CustomField into more interfaces.

What version of pfabricator does the following "shouldAppearInListView and renderOnListItem" parameter is available in ManiphestCustomField ?

Feb 4 2016, 8:23 PM · Restricted Project, Restricted Project, Restricted Project, Custom Fields, Maniphest
AmazingTrans updated Q297: Manifest cards additional info from field? from to Manifest cards additional info from field?.
Feb 4 2016, 6:50 PM

Oct 26 2015

AmazingTrans updated Q193: Maniphest search by project & column from to Maniphest search by project & column.
Oct 26 2015, 10:02 PM

Oct 9 2015

AmazingTrans reopened Q163: How does Merge Duplicates work?.
Oct 9 2015, 9:30 PM · Maniphest
AmazingTrans added a comment to Q163: How does Merge Duplicates work? (Answer 198).

At the same token, i also tried the query: Advanced Search functions,
Document Types: Manifest Tasks
Document Status: Open

Oct 9 2015, 7:37 AM
AmazingTrans added a comment to Q163: How does Merge Duplicates work? (Answer 198).

I tried the following:
& it returns with: for (;;);{"error":null,"payload":[]}

Oct 9 2015, 7:30 AM
AmazingTrans added a comment to Q163: How does Merge Duplicates work? (Answer 198).

chad, i have reinstall a fresh copy. and i still have the same results.
The box still says no result.

Oct 9 2015, 7:05 AM

Oct 8 2015

AmazingTrans added a comment to Q163: How does Merge Duplicates work? (Answer 198).

sounds great.
I am creating a new copy of ubuntu and installing phab through the script now. Is there any tutorials that show i can migrate my current phab db to the new one?

Oct 8 2015, 4:15 AM
AmazingTrans added a comment to Q163: How does Merge Duplicates work? (Answer 198).

i also wonder, is it possible that someone can lead me, where in the source code does this querying of the task in manifest merged in function?

Oct 8 2015, 2:49 AM
AmazingTrans added a comment to Q163: How does Merge Duplicates work? (Answer 198).

chad, i'm wondering. eventhough i am using a packaged install, if i were to perform a upgrade as such, wouldn't it actually update all the files from the phabricator repository?

Oct 8 2015, 2:43 AM

Oct 7 2015

AmazingTrans added a comment to Q163: How does Merge Duplicates work? (Answer 198).

Thanks chad!
Hope I can solve the bitnami version, else i'll try to self install and port over the db. Hopefully, not a big task.

Oct 7 2015, 3:21 AM
AmazingTrans added a comment to Q163: How does Merge Duplicates work? (Answer 198).

yes, this is a bitnami version.
Got it, i guess this is cause by installation issues?
i was going to show another image of the DOM Elements. i noticed the webpage has autoid, but mine doesn't.

Oct 7 2015, 3:17 AM
AmazingTrans added a comment to Q163: How does Merge Duplicates work? (Answer 198).

I tried this function in phabricator, and i selected all task. I noticed the box generates all the task names.
The one i have just stays as an empty box. What should i do here?

Oct 7 2015, 2:57 AM
AmazingTrans added a comment to Q163: How does Merge Duplicates work? (Answer 198).

when i click "Merge Duplicate In", there isn't any search option.
I also tried inputting a text or task ID into the input box, but it does not have any drop down list like other entries. Then, i enter in the taskID such as T23, then i press the blue "Merge Task". but nothing happen.
Below here is what i see in the input box when i typed the first few letter of the task name:

Oct 7 2015, 2:52 AM

Oct 6 2015

AmazingTrans updated Q164: How to use subtask? from to How to use subtask?.
Oct 6 2015, 2:12 PM · Maniphest
AmazingTrans updated Q163: How does Merge Duplicates work? from to Merge Duplicates In doesn't work.
Oct 6 2015, 2:10 PM · Maniphest

Sep 1 2015

AmazingTrans updated subscribers of T7844: Workboard printable is incomplete/empty.

@chad, does this mean there is no fix for this?
where is the file that consist of this position: static located at?

Sep 1 2015, 4:15 PM · Workboards
AmazingTrans updated Q115: Workboard print in Chrome from to Workboard print in Chrome.
Sep 1 2015, 1:23 PM · Workboards

Aug 31 2015

AmazingTrans added a comment to Q112: Link file to project basis.

Yes, i want a way to show files that are linked to the project.
What you suggest works as well. I guess I can edit the project descriptions and add {FileID} in descriptions.

Aug 31 2015, 4:55 AM
AmazingTrans updated Q112: Link file to project basis from to Link file to project basis.
Aug 31 2015, 4:36 AM

Aug 28 2015

AmazingTrans updated Q111: Set notifications off globally from to Set notifications off globally.
Aug 28 2015, 4:17 PM

Aug 26 2015

AmazingTrans added a comment to T9255: Unable to send outbound email: 191 PhabricatorMetaMTAWorker queues.

I have configure the following:
sudo ./bin/config set phpmailer.smtp-host
sudo ./bin/config set phpmailer.smtp-port 25
sudo ./bin/config set phpmailer.smtp-protocol ssl

Aug 26 2015, 10:33 PM · Mail

Aug 25 2015

AmazingTrans added a comment to T9255: Unable to send outbound email: 191 PhabricatorMetaMTAWorker queues.

In the /config/group/phpmailer/ they are shown as locked.
Configuration Locked
This configuration is locked and can not be edited from the web interface. Use ./bin/config in phabricator/ to edit it.

Aug 25 2015, 2:02 PM · Mail
AmazingTrans added a comment to T9255: Unable to send outbound email: 191 PhabricatorMetaMTAWorker queues.

I've looked at /mail/ and i see all the queue are Mail related.
and it seems that the first mail is the verification mail to users "Mail 1 Content Redacted".
Is there anyway to terminate all these mail? I have kept the server on for more than 8 hours and the queue has not expire or terminate by itself yet.

Aug 25 2015, 5:55 AM · Mail

Aug 24 2015

AmazingTrans created T9255: Unable to send outbound email: 191 PhabricatorMetaMTAWorker queues.
Aug 24 2015, 11:29 PM · Mail