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Unable to send outbound email: 191 PhabricatorMetaMTAWorker queues
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I just setup my mail and i noticed in the daemon queue, there is a lot of MetaMTAWorker.

Are all these prepare to be emailed out? Why is it emailing out?

#When i ran ./bin/mail send-test --to user
it got stuck at reading message body from stdin. Is this because of all these queue?

How do i kill all these queue ?

178 Queued T9: HW: Chiller Running Signal
179 Queued T10: SW: Robot
181 Queued T18: SW: Add additional Cfg

Event Timeline

/mail/ will tell you what's being mailed and why.

I've looked at /mail/ and i see all the queue are Mail related.
and it seems that the first mail is the verification mail to users "Mail 1 Content Redacted".
Is there anyway to terminate all these mail? I have kept the server on for more than 8 hours and the queue has not expire or terminate by itself yet.

I think I am having issue configuring the smtp at first, and this caused all the mails to be stuck in the queue. I can't test the mail until the queue started moving.
Below are some steps i have taken to configure the mail server. Maybe you can help me to see if I am missing any step.

  1. I added the following at /config/group/metamta/
    • metamta.domain := ip address of the site
    • metamta.mail-adapter := PhabricatorMailImplementationPHPMailerAdapter
  2. In my directory /phabricator/htdocs/conf/custom , i've created a file PhabricatorMail.conf.php with the following: (These are the same config i've used in mediawiki, without username & pwd)
<?php return array(   // Specify whichever keys and values you want to set.    $
  'phpmailer.smtp-host' => '',
 'phpmailer.smtp-port' => 25,
 'phpmailer.smtp-protocol' => 'ssl',
  1. Then i insert the following config file into the ENVIRONMENT by doing the following:
phabricator/ $ echo custom/PhabricatorMail.conf.php  > conf/local/ENVIRONMENT
phabricator/ $ cat conf/local/ENVIRONMENT
    1. I restarted the server.
  1. The mails are still sitting in the queue not sent out.

Very much appreciated for the help.

In my directory /phabricator/htdocs/conf/custom

Did our documentation somewhere tell you to do this? We shouldn't be. It's all in the Config application.

/config/group/phpmailer/ is where to set the values for PHPMailer

In the /config/group/phpmailer/ they are shown as locked.
Configuration Locked
This configuration is locked and can not be edited from the web interface. Use ./bin/config in phabricator/ to edit it.

How do i edit a locked parameter?

Use ./bin/config in phabricator/ to edit it.

I have configure the following:
sudo ./bin/config set phpmailer.smtp-host
sudo ./bin/config set phpmailer.smtp-port 25
sudo ./bin/config set phpmailer.smtp-protocol ssl

And also the following in /config/group/metamta
metamta.domain = ""
metamta.mail-adapter = "PhabricatorMailImplementationPHPMailerAdapter"

and the mail system still does not work. It still queues. I'm wondering where do i set IDHost and also auth? In my MW i have auth set to false. In phab not sure where is that settings.

I'm wondering for example in my mediawiki i have the following:
$wgSMTP = array(
'host' => "",
'IDHost' => "",
'port' => 25,
'auth' => false,
'username' => "",
'password' => ""

chad claimed this task.

I have no idea how to set up your mail and I'm not familiar with it or how phpmailer relates to mediawiki. Unfortunately this falls outside what we can provide support on.