I saw the issues about windows being generally broken. I sympathize with the team's plight having been there too many times with cygwin and git bash over the years. FWIW I think the best approach is to normalize the path references back to unix format as fast as possible. The approach of mapping driver letters C:\ D:\ to /c and /d etc is reasonable. Beyond that there is the usual handling of spaces and () {} etc to consider where php/bash might get confused.
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Jun 20 2016
Jun 16 2016
We have a large user base using various install locations on their PC's. The issue has come about following a recent upgrade from a 2015 version with more than one person affected.
If you look at the code I cant see why you would need write access - it is just processing path strings.
Anyway I have moved the install to your suggested directory but with no change to the fault symptom.
Jun 15 2016
May 23 2016
For issues with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and acpu with PHP7 giving rise to "apc_sma_info() not found" Exceptions then you could install backward compatibility library package php-apcu-bc_1.0.3-2_amd64.deb using dpkg once downloaded from future Ubuntu Yakkety release universe repository. No doubt this deb will get back-ported to 16.04 LTS soon enough assuming phabricator itself isnt updated to no longer reference this missing function.
Oct 3 2014
The same problem exists in git and I have the same issue over acceptability of my users who happen to be familiar with ReviewBoard.