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Conpherence - get #anchor links to messages working

Authored by btrahan on Apr 13 2015, 9:40 PM.
Referenced Files
F13262164: D12402.diff
Mon, May 27, 1:50 AM
F13252043: D12402.id29789.diff
Sat, May 25, 1:01 AM
F13247170: D12402.id29789.diff
Thu, May 23, 4:33 PM
F13235822: D12402.id29795.diff
Tue, May 21, 6:43 AM
Sat, May 18, 9:54 AM
F13205002: D12402.diff
Wed, May 15, 1:21 AM
F13188288: D12402.diff
Sat, May 11, 5:09 AM
Fri, May 10, 3:10 AM



Ref T7757. Oddities include:

  • not working in column view, since the generic anchor technology conflicts once you navigate to a page with a transaction timeline view
  • not working if you are linking to a message not included in initial load

Remaining work is addressing these oddities.

  • make column view timestamp link to full conpherence correctly?
  • make back end load from hyperlinked transaction forward? or do it more like application transactions and have the client keep requesting stuff until it gets it?

Open to suggestions! :D

Test Plan

played around in conpherence full and stuff looked okay. noted no changes as intended in column view.

Diff Detail

rP Phabricator
Lint Passed
Tests Passed
Build Status
Buildable 5298
Build 5316: [Placeholder Plan] Wait for 30 Seconds

Event Timeline

btrahan retitled this revision from to Conpherence - get #anchor links to messages working.
btrahan updated this object.
btrahan edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
btrahan added a reviewer: epriestley.
epriestley edited edge metadata.

make column view timestamp link to full conpherence correctly?

This sounds desirable to me. I don't think we should permalink into the column since it seems like tons of bad news.

make back end load from hyperlinked transaction forward? or do it more like application transactions and have the client keep requesting stuff until it gets it?

I think full-text search and link-to-message might both benefit from some kind of "snippet" view which shows a historical piece of context. It's very rare for an object to have 5,000 transactions, but pretty common for chat to have 5,000 messages, and doing 50 sequential loads to rewind history seems pretty sketchy. Not exactly sure what this should look like, though.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 13 2015, 9:48 PM
btrahan edited edge metadata.

css tweaks

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