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Unable to drag/reorder tasks in any version of IE
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Testing IE workboards and icons and I'm not able in prod or sb to drag tasks in Internet Explorer with any version (8-11).

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chad raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
chad updated the task description. (Show Details)
chad added a project: Maniphest.
chad added subscribers: chad, epriestley, btrahan.

For IE8, the first big issue is Array.indexOf is not supported in IE8. Sadly, if you just do something like

if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
   Array.prototype.indexOf = function indexOf() {
     // working implementation here 

The javascript breaks in new fun ways because this indexOf method will end up as something we iterate on for various for ... in ... calls, i.e. if you for x in y x will have the value 'indexOf' at some point in IE-only. As you might expect, this causes lots of errors all over the place.

So paths forward I see, in my order of preference

  • Make some Javelin lib, like lib/ArrayUtils.php that to start has an indexOf implementation that takes an array as the first argument, rather than being a method on all array objects. Next, replace indexOf calls with this new hotness.
    • this will likely need a few more functions that IE* doesn't support for arrays that we use
    • should probably add some lint rule(s) to catch indexOf calls, etc. so we don't add more
  • loudly say we don't support IE8, see what happens with IE9...
  • do the prototype thing, which means going through the whole code base and looking for potential for ... in ... errors and fixing them.

This is a pretty big deal I think as Javascript probably doesn't work well in IE all over the place? here's callsites of indexOf in Javelin:

core/Event.js:147: if (supportedEvents.indexOf(this.getType()) == -1) {
core/Stratcom.js:534: return sigils && (' ' + sigils + ' ').indexOf(' ' + sigil + ' ') > -1;
lib/__tests__/Cookie.js:38: var data = doc.cookie.substr(0, doc.cookie.indexOf(';'));
lib/Cookie.js:46: key.indexOf('$') === 0)) {
lib/DOM.js:722: var has = ((' '+node.className+' ').indexOf(' '+className+' ') > -1);
lib/Request.js:141: uri += ((uri.indexOf('?') === -1) ? '?' : '&') + q;
lib/Request.js:217: if (expect_guard && xport.responseText.indexOf('for (;;);') !== 0) {
lib/Resource.js:50: if (path.indexOf('.css') == path.length - 4) {

...and the rest of the code in Phabricator:

application/differential/behavior-keyboard-nav.js:70: if (row.className.indexOf('inline') !== -1) {
application/differential/behavior-keyboard-nav.js:74: if (row.className.indexOf('differential-changeset') !== -1) {
application/differential/behavior-keyboard-nav.js:83: if (cells[ii].className.indexOf('old') !== -1 ||
application/differential/behavior-keyboard-nav.js:84: cells[ii].className.indexOf('new') !== -1) {
application/differential/DifferentialInlineCommentEditor.js:24: while (node && node.className.indexOf('inline') !== -1) {
core/behavior-oncopy.js:37: if (text.indexOf(zws) == -1) {
core/behavior-oncopy.js:50: pos = lines[ii].indexOf(zws);

Most of those are 'string'.indexOf(), which is supported (I assume). Which one is causing the problem? The only one I see which looks like array.indexOf is this one:

if (supportedEvents.indexOf(this.getType()) == -1) {

...but that's trivial to fix and the call isn't desirable anyway. Is that the issue?

That's the first one that fires, yeah. I wouldn't be so bold as to claim that will fix this end to end though until I test.

(Also: thanks for looking at this!)

@chad - D9118 should get you IE9+ "working", which I quote only because I wouldn't be surprised if it is somehow glitchy.

IE8 is still pretty broken and I *think* we might want to just not support it, damning all those Windows XP users to some Phabricator-less hell. Basically, while doing D9118 and the various Internet research to figure things out I got the sense IE8 is pretty busted. In terms of this IE8 busted-ness, for starters, see

  • e.g. "In IE8 offsetHeight a few pixels higher than clientHeight."

  • e.g. "When the element has no scrollbars IE makes the scrollHeight equal to the actual height of the content; and not the height of the element. scrollWidth is correct, except in IE8, where it’s 5 pixels off."
btrahan claimed this task.

Let's not support IE8 - that would be really nice of us but seems unnecessary, particularly given the clients are engineers primarily. As far as I know, this works in IE9 plus now nicely. :)

We may have other IE bugs in Phabricator - I'm happy to fix 'em if you find 'em.