When users type Maniphests tasks or comments, a compass might show up, telling the user that the last words aren't saved yet. The intention is good, but the result annoys some users more than others.
It is less annoying when you have big monitor, a fast connection, and perhaps a powerful CPU, but it gets more in the way with smaller screens and slower connections, when the compass takes more % of screen during more time.
The animation could be smaller and less noticeable. At the end it is just a cue of a process that should not bother the busy and concentrated user.
I see you already redesigned this once - T3295 D6095 . Keeping the idea of the compass... does it need to be rendered that big? Does it need to move that much? Since it is supposed to show up just a tenth of second or less, could a static image just work, since it is already animated by appearing and disappearing, and appearing again?
Original report, fwiw: http://fab.wmflabs.org/T114