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Diffusion commit details references HEAD -> master broken
Closed, InvalidPublic


Running Phabricator 3e10f69570c0eb007f85917e16a249ea70d2dda8 from the stable branch.

When I look at a the latest commit in a Diffusion, in the Details window I see a References HEAD -> master with a link which looks like this;74045ea881357edd2d29fd15ea55f236bc289446
You can currently see this in action here.
Clicking it shows what looks like a snapshot of the files at this commit, but then looks like I'm on a branch called HEAD -> master. Clicking this then gives this error

Unexpected object type from `git cat-file`: HEAD -> master missing

I notice that on this site, the Reference HEAD -> master link on the latest commit looks like this (just picking the current latest commit)

Event Timeline

Please provide reproduction steps, we don't accept bug reports that ask us to go look at their server.

  1. Install Phabricator at the version noted above.
  2. Import a GIT repository via observing a URI.
  3. Note the reference HEAD -> master link broken on latest commit.

For reference, I'm using PHP-7.1.2 and Git 2.11.1

Attached is a screenshot to show the problem.

phab_master_head_link2.png (727×937 px, 110 KB)

You can see that Firefox shows the broken link at the bottom of the window.
I drew an arrow showing where the link is to be explicit.

Hi @rsmarples, unfortunately I don't know how to reproduce this based on your steps provided. Specifically, I do not see a broken "reference" link in the details of the commit. Do you know what additional steps I can take to see this bug locally? Everything looks formatted fine?

We require all bug reports provide complete reproduction steps. The main reason is so that anyone can follow and reproduce the bug in a local environment. Skipping details makes it difficult for most (or anyone but @epriestley) people to provide you with help.

Feel free to use a Phacility Test Instance and record your steps, thanks!

Try as I might, I cannot reproduce this in a test instance hosted by yourselves.
The on screen description is the same (HEAD -> master), but the actual URL it goes to is different compared to my instance, even with the same repositories loaded.

Is there an informational screen in Phabricator to report PHP and/or GIT versions in use? At this point I'm guessing it's an environment issue, but unsure where.

Please note this is very low priority, it's just a minor niggle I have.

We don't have reproduction steps for this and thus can't move forward.