As someone who reads a ton of diffs (more important) and is color blind (I think less important here, but may be relevant), I find myself checking out the diff locally instead of reading it on the diff page. I wanted to bring this up since it didn't seem like there were any other tasks about this: the root problem here is that diffs are hard to read.
From my perspective, the main thing is that the green highlight is too saturated/dark, so syntax highlighting doesn't stand out as much. When I visit the equivalent commit view on github (which we mirror to), I find the code to be much more readable - many folks on our team use the github mirror to explore code instead of using the phabricator one. I think being able to customize the colors would also suit my needs (I'd probably just copy whatever github is using), but I feel like phabricator users in general might appreciate some default color tweaks.
Totally fine if the answer here is "you're colorblind, josh, it looks fine to most people" - I realize there's a lot going on and making changes based on just my opinions would go beyond just colorblind accessibility. But I think I'd be markedly happier if the colors changed, so here I am. :)
(If there's no intent on making changes here, my second route would probably be to use stylish to customize the colors, and any tips you have re: css classes there would be appreciated.)