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[Phriction] Create new page does not respect given path
Closed, InvalidPublic


How to reproduce:

  1. Click New Document
  2. Enter path: for example myos/help/testpage/
  3. Click Create

Expected results:

  • URI of the new page should be: baseurl/w/myos/help/testpage/
  • Title of the new page should be: testpage

What actually happens:

  • URI of the new page: baseurl/w/myos_2fhelp_2ftestpage_2f/
  • Title of the new page: Myos 2fhelp 2ftestpage 2f

Workaround: Create the page regardless and after move it to right place.

Version Information

phabricator 3d6c3c2c45e872e05bbe46e86ae553b64318d55b (Sep 15 2016)
arcanist 9e82ef979e8148c43b9b8439025d505b1219e213 (Aug 25 2016)
phutil fa6519f4cea1c059bd381c20971cac413cc4760e (Sep 15 2016)

Event Timeline

Can you show me the <VirtualHost> entry you've added for Phabricator in your Apache config? I suspect you may have omitted the B flag in the RewriteRule.

<IfModule mod_ssl.c>
        <VirtualHost *:443>
                # Change this to the path where you put 'phabricator'
when you checked it
                # out from GitHub when following the Installation Guide.
                # Make sure you include "/webroot" at the end!
                 DocumentRoot /var/www/ph/phabricator/webroot

                RewriteEngine on
                RewriteRule ^/rsrc/(.*)     -                       [L,QSA]
                RewriteRule ^/favicon.ico   -                       [L,QSA]
                RewriteRule ^(.*)$          /index.php?__path__=$1 
               <Directory "/var/www/ph/phabricator/webroot">
            Require all granted


Okay, what version of Apache are you running? (httpd -v or similar may tell you.)

# apache2 -v                                                                                                                                                   │               
Server version: Apache/2.4.10 (Debian)                                                                                                                                       │               
Server built:   Jul 20 2016 06:48:18

I'm not sure, then. You have the B rule, and your Apache is recent enough to support the B flag.

I can't reproduce this issue locally. I also can't reproduce this issue in the Phacility cluster or on this host, and we haven't seen any other users experience it. Here's what I see locally:

Screen Shot 2016-11-22 at 12.01.52 PM.png (229×565 px, 17 KB)

We need complete reproduction instructions that provide more information and allow us to reproduce this issue before we can fix it (see Providing Reproduction Steps).

Next steps:

  • provide complete reproduction instructions so we can reproduce this issue in a local development environment;
  • or, we'll close this task after a few days if we are still unable to reproduce this issue.

I'm sorry, other than:

How to reproduce:

  1. Click New Document
  2. Enter path: for example myos/help/testpage/
  3. Click Create

I cannot give you anything more. This happens every time I try to create new wiki document (page), and I've tried with different browser just to be sure.

Can I safely Purge the caches without fear of losing data? Perhaps this might help.

Unfortunately, we can't move forward, then.

You can safely purge the caches, yes. I would be surprised if that impacted this.

Yup, purging caches didn't help.

Even if I create a simple page:
its URI would end up like

So this _2f is constantly been added, for some reason.

Something else on your server is likely altering URLs. What OS is this? Is this a shared host? Do you have software like apparmor running? All things to look into.

Also, the configuration you listed above is not what our official guide states. Did you follow another guide on the web perhaps?

Thanks, I'll look into this further. I didn't install it myself, I'll ask sysadmin permissions to get through the setup personally.