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Conpherence Widget Pane issues
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Some users are seeing display issues with the new Conpherence Widget Pane, though I'm not currently able to find a reproduction case on here or local. Please use this task to track and provide insight into the issues (OS/Browser/etc)

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Chrome, IE11 on Windows 10:
Toggling the widget page doesn't resize the main dialog pane: It remains either too small (Leaving a space for the pane) or too big (Hiding some text behind the pane).

In both cases, re-sizing the window does trigger a re-sizing, so it's maybe something about the OS and not the browser?
Running winver shows:

pasted_file (57×225 px, 3 KB)

(Using what's currently deployed on secure.)

I'll fire up my new Win10 Anniversary computer here in a bit.

I think my local VM is just Windows 8

It was also happening on my home windows 10, but I don't know the exact version there.

This is roughly reproducible to me now, since I'm redesigning the entire app (though the UI is mostly the same). I think we need to trigger a JX.Scrollbar update somehow, since the size of the message area changes but JX.Scrollbar doesn't seem to know until I widen or shrink the page. May need the wise sage @epriestley