Adding maniphest.customfields:
{ "redmine:edited-on": { "name": "Edited on", "type": "text", "description": "Date of editing this ticket. In Phabricator represented by date of Transaction", "edit": true }, "redmine:edited-by": { "name": "Editor", "type": "text", "description": "The ticket was edited by", "edit": true }, "redmine:milestone-id": { "name": "Milestone ID", "type": "text", "description": "Milestone ID in redmine", "edit": true } }
And executing maniphest.edit with:
[ { "value": "UI Changes Page", "type": "title" }, { "value": "resolved", "type": "status" }, { "value": "\"Confirm Password\" null", "type": "description" }, { "value": "50", "type": "priority" }, { "value": "2016/02/24 07:53:02 +0100", "type": "custom.redmine:edited-on" }, { "value": "MHe", "type": "custom.redmine:edited-by" }, { "value": "Frontend Version 1", "type": "comment" }, { "value": "2016/02/26 18:38:10 +0100", "type": "custom.redmine:edited-on" }, { "value": "He", "type": "custom.redmine:edited-by" }, { "value": "2016/04/21 19:11:28 +0200", "type": "custom.redmine:edited-on" }, { "value": "He", "type": "custom.redmine:edited-by" }, { "value": "2016/05/03 16:16:40 +0200", "type": "custom.redmine:edited-on" }, { "value": "He", "type": "custom.redmine:edited-by" }, { "value": "redmine3", "type": "status" }, { "value": "resolved", "type": "status" } ]
No edits are displayed for 'edited-by' and 'edited-on' when I browse to 'http://phabhost/maniphest/query/all/' (phabhost= What should I do if I want to display the edit history of my custom fields?
Thx in advance