Situation: In Projects → Query → Joined I see all projects and subprojects I am a member of. I.e. it shows both the project and its subproject that I am a member of, but without making their relation obvious.
Problem: While this is technically correct, it is confusing, because the project/subproject connection is not shown in any way.
Possible solution: Maybe aggregate all subprojects within the project's list element.
Example, assuming that I am a member of subproject P-2 (but not P-1) of project P:
--- Project P [icon] Group Subproject P-2 ---
The same applies for Projects → Query → All. Assuming that only P-1 and P-2 are subprojects of P, I would suggest something like this:
--- Project P [icon] Group Subproject P-1 Subproject P-2 ---