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How to disable linter and unit tests in .arcconfig for diffs
Closed, ResolvedPublic

Asked by OCram on Aug 31 2015, 9:19 AM.


I would like do disable lint and unit test in the .arcconfig file.
Up to now iv did this on every diff with $ arc diff --nolint --nounit

Is there a way to do configure this in the .arcconfig file?


Updated 3,397 Days Ago

There's no way to do it in .arcconfig, partly because .arcconfig is expected to be committed to the repo, so it will effect everyone. If that is your intention, you can edit or delete the .arclint file to better for your need.

You can, however, create an alias:

arc alias lazydiff 'diff --nolint'

which will save you the extra keystrokes when needed.

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