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How can I automatically start daemons on port 22?
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Asked by pmatos on Aug 25 2015, 11:50 AM.


Has anyone worked out scripts to start phabricator daemons and the sshd on port 22 of phabricator on startup for Fedora? I have setup phabricator but starting these processes is still manual. Are there any script lying around for this?


Updated 3,475 Days Ago

This is largely dependent on the system you are hosting Phabricator on, as even different distributions of Linux have different methods of managing services.

What you're asking for relies on having configured services as described in the Diffusion Hosting section of the Phabricator Guide:

Additionally there's a "Community Resources" wiki which is intended for the community to share utilities like this.

I have been meaning to share the scripts I use but hadn't had a chance to get everything together. I decided to spend some time doing this after seeing this question. I uploaded these to a new repository on my GitHub for the time being, and updated the community resources wiki to link to it.

My setup runs on CentOS 7 which uses systemd for its service management. If you are asking for general help with managing/adding user/system services for systemd the resource I used is on the ArchLinux wiki:

If you do not use systemd you should be able to follow along in a similar fashion for your system.

Updated 3,475 Days Ago

Thanks for your answer, it's very useful. The original title was how to do this on Fedora 22 (which uses systemd) but for some reason moderators generalized the title.

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