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Write search bolding in a way which is certainly HTML-safe

Authored by epriestley on Apr 25 2014, 7:20 PM.
Referenced Files
F13277729: D8862.id21043.diff
Fri, May 31, 12:51 PM
F13277728: D8862.id21023.diff
Fri, May 31, 12:51 PM
F13277727: D8862.id21022.diff
Fri, May 31, 12:51 PM
F13215691: D8862.id21022.diff
Fri, May 17, 7:11 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Apr 24 2024, 10:47 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Apr 20 2024, 6:48 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Apr 11 2024, 10:01 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Apr 8 2024, 5:46 PM



This algorithm is tricky, and uses phutil_safe_html() directly, which makes it potentially unsafe.

In particular, D8859 fixes a bug with it which caused it to produce non-utf8 output. This doesn't guarantee it's a security problem, but does make it suspicious.

I don't actually see a way to break it, but rewrite it so that it's absolutely bulletproof and does not need to call phutil_safe_html().

Test Plan

Screen_Shot_2014-04-25_at_12.17.32_PM.png (1×1 px, 166 KB)

@rugabarbo, if you have a chance, can you check if this still works for you?

Diff Detail

rP Phabricator
Lint Skipped
Tests Skipped

Event Timeline

epriestley retitled this revision from to Write search bolding in a way which is certainly HTML-safe.
epriestley updated this object.
epriestley edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
epriestley added a reviewer: btrahan.
epriestley added a subscriber: rugabarbo.

@epriestley, now I have no access to iMac, where I found bug D8859 (it appeared only for Mac OS X phabricator instance).
I get access to it only two days later :-(

If you can wait I will apply this patch for Mac OS X phabricator two days later...

Now I only have a laptop with "Ubuntu 14.04 LTS".
But here I couldn't reproduce this bug.

Phabricator instance on ubuntu works fine without D8859.
And it's magic for me.

btrahan edited edge metadata.

Seems unit testable if you anticipate more changes / swapping around implementations.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 26 2014, 2:31 AM
epriestley updated this revision to Diff 21043.

Closed by commit rP88ae24659396 (authored by @epriestley).

(I'm going with a gut feeling that unit tests on this probably won't pay for themselves, but I'll write some to repent if this gets touched again.)

@epriestley, I checked it for Mac OS X Phabricator installation (where I found this bug first time).
Now it works fine (search results aren't corrupted any more and bolding works fine too).
