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Add week numbers to Calendar month view.

Authored by lpriestley on May 17 2015, 5:01 PM.
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Closes T8184, Add week numbers to Calendar month view.

Test Plan

Calendar month view should now show week numbers, incrementing on Mondays, regardless of week start day.

Diff Detail

rP Phabricator
Lint Not Applicable
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lpriestley retitled this revision from to Add week numbers to Calendar month view..
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lpriestley edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
lpriestley added reviewers: epriestley, chad.

Screen Shot 2015-05-17 at 10.01.43 AM.png (728×836 px, 145 KB)

It's a bit cluttered on my test instance, but the week numbers are there. It looks particularly nice on weeks that start with a Monday :3

Random thought: I wonder if we need the start times at all on this view. My main thought is when scheduling or reviewing at a Month level, individual start times are not significantly important. If we had Hovercards for these events, that data could be accessed there.

epriestley edited edge metadata.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.May 17 2015, 5:33 PM
In D12886#132896, @chad wrote:

Random thought: I wonder if we need the start times at all on this view. My main thought is when scheduling or reviewing at a Month level, individual start times are not significantly important. If we had Hovercards for these events, that data could be accessed there.

I'm the driver for this -- right now, I only have a handful of appointments so I often use the month view for everything, and the times are really useful to me. Particularly, I was using nasty workarounds in iCal to get them into titles -- if you name an event "Meeting 9PM", iCal eats the "9PM" part, so I was literally calling things "coffee at one past noon" or multi-editing the names to add with symbols to get them to work:

Screen Shot 2015-05-17 at 11.26.11 AM.png (130×296 px, 9 KB)

It turns out that the times show up in iCal if you make the window a little bigger:

Screen Shot 2015-05-17 at 11.27.21 AM.png (129×353 px, 10 KB)

This was the biggest quality-of-life Calendring improvement for me in all time.

Also I guess iCal is called "Calendar" now.

Generally, I usually have something like 4-8 total calendar events per month.

As implemented, these have some glitches (T8187), could probably be shortened (e.g., "9 AM" or "9a" instead of "9:00 AM"), might not end up really being relevant if the day view turns out to be more useful, etc., but I want to keep them around for the moment since they let me switch from iCal to Phabricator without missing anything I rely on.

Actually, your workaround to me is a slightly better design over the current UI, maybe we can do that instead? So something like:

$display = "{$title} ({$time_start})";

With the start time in grey?

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