
Make external link/refresh use provider IDs, switch external account MFA to one…


Make external link/refresh use provider IDs, switch external account MFA to one-shot

Depends on D20113. Ref T6703. Continue moving toward a future where multiple copies of a given type of provider may exist.

Switch MFA from session-MFA at the start to one-shot MFA at the actual link action.

Add one-shot MFA to the unlink action. This theoretically prevents an attacker from unlinking an account while you're getting coffee, registering alIce which they control, adding a copy of your profile picture, and then trying to trick you into writing a private note with your personal secrets or something.

Test Plan: Linked and unlinked accounts. Refreshed account. Unlinked, then registered a new account. Unlinked, then relinked to my old account.

Reviewers: amckinley

Reviewed By: amckinley

Maniphest Tasks: T6703

Differential Revision: https://secure.phabricator.com/D20117