
When publishing buildables in Differential, ignore autobuilds (local lint and…


When publishing buildables in Differential, ignore autobuilds (local lint and unit)

Depends on D19280. Ref T13110. Although Harbormaster cares about all builds, Differential does not practically care about local lint and unit results in determining build status.

In Differential, orient publishing around "remote builds" instead of "builds".

This does not yet change any of the draft logic, it just makes the timeline story use newer logic.

Test Plan: Used bin/harbormaster publish (with some guard-clause removal) to publish some buildables to revisions without anything crashing.

Subscribers: PHID-OPKG-gm6ozazyms6q6i22gyam

Maniphest Tasks: T13110

Differential Revision: https://secure.phabricator.com/D19281