
Home - limit "status" queries to 100 and show 99+ if we hit that


Home - limit "status" queries to 100 and show 99+ if we hit that

Summary: Fixes T6595. This diff has two issues as is... 1) the differential data fetching is pretty cheesey, but it looks like we can't just issue three separate databases to get the right data? 2) the translations break, since I am turning this into a string (and not an int) so the whole pluralization bit fails. I think 1 is okay as is and 2 needs to be fixed though I am not sure how to best do that...

Test Plan: loaded home page and it looked nice...!

Reviewers: epriestley

Reviewed By: epriestley

Subscribers: Korvin, epriestley

Maniphest Tasks: T6595

Differential Revision: https://secure.phabricator.com/D10979