
Allow TransactionEditor to move publishing work to the daemons


Allow TransactionEditor to move publishing work to the daemons

Ref T6367. This is similar to D11329, but not quite as ambitious.

Allow Editors to implement supportsWorkers() and move their publishing work into a daemon. So far, only Paste supports this.

Most of the complexity here is saving and restoring state across the barrier between the web process and the worker process, but I think this is ~90% of it and then we'll pick up a couple of random things in applications.

I'm primarily trying to keep this as gradual as possible.

Test Plan:

  • Published transactions with and without daemon support.
  • Looked at mail, feed.

Reviewers: btrahan

Reviewed By: btrahan

Subscribers: fabe, epriestley

Maniphest Tasks: T6367

Differential Revision: https://secure.phabricator.com/D13107