User Details
- User Since
- Oct 12 2012, 8:48 PM (646 w, 6 d)
- Availability
- Available
Jan 26 2016
May 15 2015
Just to demonstrate, this one gave a couple of our devs some grief earlier today. The comments create so much noise you can barely see the loop being reviewed.
May 13 2015
Most of the issues our team run into stem from the fact that we can't toggle the comments temporarily in order to get a distraction free view of the code. Some of our inlines spark some quite lengthy discussions which can sometimes get in the way when you only need to see the code.
Apr 30 2015
If I'm a reviewer that has previously requested a change it can be useful to see the "Done" comments. If I'm a second reviewer coming along after two or more diffs it's not terribly useful to me and serves more as a distraction from the code I'm trying to review. That seems to be the consensus amongst my team anyway.
Apr 29 2015
I'd have to agree that diffs seem much noisier now. For the way we use Differential at least, we generally find that older comments aren't all that useful and can actually get in the way depending on where they're placed (inside if blocks, for example).
Nov 12 2014
Nov 4 2014
A couple of our projects at work are responsible for handling some very sensitive data. As a result, we try to enforce much stricter rules on these, such as:
- minimum of N approvals
- no rejections (past or current)
- N reviews from team (project) X, Y and Z
Jun 11 2014
This would be very useful in a couple of our projects, where the workboard columns roughly correspond to where a task is in the development process ('Needs Information', 'In Progress', 'Ready to Land', etc.).