| | Authored by ptarjan on Mar 19 2020, 6:29 PM. Event Timelineptarjan requested review of this revision. This revision is now accepted and ready to land. ptarjan marked 2 inline comments as done. This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes. Commit | Tree | Parents | Author | Summary | Date |
37779dd05921 | 7e6d79d5f7e4 | 6671702b99ff | Paul Tarjan | code rewview | Mar 20 2020, 6:43 PM | 6671702b99ff | 8bc7c973f4bd | 3ce4b554ce7b | Paul Tarjan | oops wrong way | Mar 20 2020, 1:00 AM | 3ce4b554ce7b | 9cd1ba03cda7 | aa3b6a5ae614 | Paul Tarjan | go with --no-verify | Mar 20 2020, 12:59 AM | aa3b6a5ae614 | 32864afadd29 | a3c2ac9f657c | Paul Tarjan | try the double push thing for lfs repos | Mar 20 2020, 12:42 AM | a3c2ac9f657c | 61829b633923 | f88be98a5ec9 | Paul Tarjan | Revert "Use a named remote and branches for staging to help git-lfs" (Show More…) | Mar 20 2020, 12:38 AM | f88be98a5ec9 | 5d563272c803 | 55d18cf58f55 | Paul Tarjan | Revert "handle the case where you need to remove it before adding it" (Show More…) | Mar 20 2020, 12:38 AM | 55d18cf58f55 | 19b60c77767b | 925184a431c6 | Paul Tarjan | | Mar 20 2020, 12:38 AM | 925184a431c6 | 5815e353507c | 33cb6066c332 | Paul Tarjan | Revert "only run fetch if git for-each-ref is empty" (Show More…) | Mar 20 2020, 12:38 AM | 33cb6066c332 | 9926b8752661 | 56359a453e7d | Paul Tarjan | only run fetch if git for-each-ref is empty | Mar 19 2020, 9:58 PM | 56359a453e7d | 5815e353507c | 8b14315ff00c | Paul Tarjan | fix spelling | Mar 19 2020, 6:40 PM | 8b14315ff00c | 19b60c77767b | 6add3780be51 | Paul Tarjan | handle the case where you need to remove it before adding it | Mar 19 2020, 6:37 PM | 6add3780be51 | 5d563272c803 | 66a6128239e2 | Paul Tarjan | Use a named remote and branches for staging to help git-lfs (Show More…) | Mar 19 2020, 6:14 PM |