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Give policy name rendering explicit "text name", "capability link", and "transaction link" pathways

Authored by epriestley on Sep 12 2019, 2:46 PM.
Referenced Files
F13274408: D20804.diff
Fri, May 31, 3:40 AM
Sat, May 25, 11:09 AM
F13256210: D20804.id49608.diff
Sat, May 25, 10:24 AM
F13250199: D20804.id49600.diff
Fri, May 24, 1:05 PM
F13237700: D20804.diff
Tue, May 21, 2:24 PM
F13232458: D20804.diff
Tue, May 21, 1:17 AM
F13220426: D20804.id49608.diff
Sun, May 19, 1:27 AM
F13189629: D20804.diff
Sat, May 11, 6:15 AM



Ref T13411. This cleans up policy name rendering. We ultimately render into three contexts:

  • Plain text contexts, like bin/policy show.
  • Transaction contexts, where we're showing a policy change. In these cases, we link some policies (like project policies and custom policies) but the links go directly to the relevant object or a minimal explanation of the change. We don't link policies like "All Users".
  • Capability contexts, where we're describing a capability, like "Can Push" or cases in Applicaitons. In these cases, we link all policies to the full policy explanation flow.
Test Plan
  • Used bin/policy show to examine the policy of an object with a project policy, no longer saw HTML.
  • Viewed the transaction logs of Applications (ModularTransactions) and Tasks (not ModularTransactions) with policy edits, including project and custom policies.
  • Clicked "Custom Policy" in both logs, got consistent dialogs.
  • Viewed application detail pages, saw all capabities linked to explanatory capability dialogs. The value of having this dialog is that the user can get a full explanation of special rules even if the policy is something mundane like "All Users".

Diff Detail

rP Phabricator
Lint Passed
Tests Passed
Build Status
Buildable 23425
Build 32184: Run Core Tests
Build 32183: arc lint + arc unit