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Add an Experimental Dark Mode to Phabricator

Authored by chad on Jul 16 2017, 7:47 PM.
Referenced Files
F15418062: D18227.id43843.diff
Thu, Mar 20, 8:34 PM
F15412116: D18227.id43851.diff
Wed, Mar 19, 11:20 AM
F15395662: D18227.id43845.diff
Sun, Mar 16, 8:47 AM
F15388322: D18227.id43843.diff
Sat, Mar 15, 3:39 AM
F15367400: D18227.id43845.diff
Tue, Mar 11, 6:27 PM
F15345033: D18227.id43841.diff
Mon, Mar 10, 8:15 AM
Unknown Object (File)
Sun, Mar 2, 6:56 PM
Unknown Object (File)
Tue, Feb 25, 1:35 AM



Mostly this is an exercise to clean up our CSS and Celerity processor by making sure all important color decisions are generatable. It's somewhat resonable to use if you don't review code. Posting it up here mostly so I don't lose the work.

Test Plan

Visit lots and lots of pages with dark mode on and off.

Diff Detail

rP Phabricator
dark-mode (branched from master)
Lint Warnings
Warningwebroot/rsrc/css/phui/phui-form.css:108TXT3Line Too Long
Tests Passed
Build Status
Buildable 17712
Build 23779: Run Core Tests
Build 23778: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

I think this is pretty reasonable on the technical side given that we've already built this stuff for general maintainability/consistency and accessibility if you want to move forward with it. Two broad thoughts:

  • This makes T12311 slightly harder since there's a bit more stuff to unpack if we're going to offer "Dark Mode, Larger Fonts, Deuteranopia" as options.
  • T5701 might be a pathway forward on the highlighting stuff.

One thing we could do is add, e.g., tabs or buttons something on UIExamples to let you toggle between themes without having to go mangle your settings.

The short TODO on this is:

  • Highlight colors (like light yellow) maybe need to be individual variables.
  • Diffs need work.
  • Setup issues are hard coded.

But overall it came together faster and cleaner than I expected for just goofing around. I'd be OK landing this as it's labeled "experimental". Or I can pull the celerity processor out into a separate diff.

chad retitled this revision from [WIP] Add an Experimental Dark Mode to Phabricator to Add an Experimental Dark Mode to Phabricator.Jul 17 2017, 6:10 PM

This is probably 96% complete. Some random bugs like setting workboard colors or conpherence rooms, but I'm going to put my fingers in my ears about them.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jul 18 2017, 12:08 PM

I think the "Experimental" label is fine, users can't complain to me anymore anyway. :) :) :) 😸 :) :) 11oneone

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.