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Implement "words of power" against ApplicationTransactions

Authored by epriestley on Feb 28 2014, 12:50 AM.
Referenced Files
F13282338: D8369.diff
Sun, Jun 2, 11:57 AM
F13248604: D8369.id19892.diff
Fri, May 24, 3:23 AM
F13238595: D8369.id19909.diff
Tue, May 21, 8:15 PM
F13207591: D8369.id19909.diff
Thu, May 16, 1:06 AM
F13207590: D8369.id19892.diff
Thu, May 16, 1:06 AM
Thu, May 16, 12:42 AM
F13207477: D8369.diff
Thu, May 16, 12:19 AM
F13193279: D8369.id19909.diff
Sun, May 12, 1:06 PM



Ref T2222. Differential has certain "words of power" (like Ref T123 or Depends on D345) which should expand into a separate transaction when they appear anywhere in text.

Currently, they're respected in only some fields. I'm expanding them to work in any remarkup field, including comments and inline comments.

This partially generalizes transaction expansion/extraction in comments. Eventually, I'll probably implement some very soft sort of reference edge for T4036, maybe.

Test Plan


Diff Detail

Lint Skipped
Tests Skipped

Event Timeline

btrahan edited edge metadata.

LGTM, but in your test plan shouldn't D895 also have been attached? (maybe it already was attached or something)

Slightly disappointed "words of power" didn't appear in the diff itself. :/

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Feb 28 2014, 5:23 PM

I was making those comments on D985 to test that it didn't attach. <_<