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Custom policy error is unhelpful
Closed, DuplicatePublic


It should provide the exact policy that shows who can access the object, like with non-custom policies.

Event Timeline

Krenair raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Krenair updated the task description. (Show Details)
Krenair changed the edit policy from "All Users" to "Custom Policy".
Krenair added projects: Bug Report, Policy.
Krenair added a subscriber: Krenair.
chad claimed this task.
chad added a subscriber: chad.

I don't know what this ticket is about. If it's a bug report, please provide steps to reproduce per Contributing Bug Reports. If it's a feature request, please describe the core problem per Contributing Feature Requests.

We also now have Describing Root Problems as a guide to help people give us more details on issues they face. It's important for us to understand root issues so we can be sure we're correctly solving your problem.

User (or project) based policies produce useful error messages if you can't view an object:

upstream-T9949-user.png (120×354 px, 9 KB)

It tells you who *can* view the object.

But the error is useless if it's a 'custom policy':

upstream-T9949-custom.png (125×440 px, 10 KB)