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owners autocomplete send to /null url
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This is when mousing over the auto-complete option, clicking on it does not appear to do anything.

owners-null.png (874×1 px, 72 KB)

Feels sort of close to T5263.

Event Timeline

cburroughs raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
cburroughs updated the task description. (Show Details)
cburroughs added a project: Owners.
cburroughs added a subscriber: cburroughs.

(Pretty sure this isn't related to T5263.)

The null href isn't intentional (it's just an item with no link target which is rendered as a link for technical reasons), but you should never actually be able to follow the link. Clicking on it is expected to work like typing the text into the field. For me, it does.

When you say it "does not appear to do anything", do you mean that the click is completely swallowed? Or the menu closes but nothing else happens? Or the menu closes and the input is updated (this is the expected behavior), but you aren't taken anywhere and expected to be taken somewhere?

When you say it "does not appear to do anything", do you mean that the click is completely swallowed? Or the menu closes but nothing else happens? Or the menu closes and the input is updated (this is the expected behavior), but you aren't taken anywhere and expected to be taken somewhere?

I believe it was some variant of "I clicked on it and the input field was not updated" but I am not able to reproduce with a recent build.

That fixes the link thing, if anyone runs into the other thing we can fix it once we have a repor.