phabricator admin Login Failure
Login cookie was set correctly, but your login session is not valid. Try clearing cookies and logging in again.
Event Timeline
This report doesn't have enough information for us to reproduce the issue. See the documentation here:
Authentication Failure
This Phabricator install is not configured with any enabled authentication providers which can be used to log in. If you have accidentally locked yourself out by disabling all providers, you can use phabricator/bin/auth recover <username> to recover access to an administrative account.
./bin/auth recover admin
button Login(admin),The above tips appeared :Login cookie was set correctly, but your login session is not valid. Try clearing cookies and logging in again.
I have installed Phabricator on ubuntu 14.04.But when I enter,it shows an authentication error "Authentication Failure
This Phabricator install is not configured with any enabled authentication providers which can be used to log in. If you have accidentally locked yourself out by disabling all providers, you can use phabricator/bin/auth recover <username> to recover access to an administrative account."
So,I tried to recovering Administrator Accounts using "phabricator/ $ ./bin/auth recover Suhasini" ,I got the following result
root@localhost:/var/www/codeManagement/phabricator# ./bin/auth recover Suhasini
Use this link to recover access to the "Suhasini" account from the web interface:
After logging in, you can use the "Auth" application to add or restore authentication providers and allow normal logins to succeed.
Again,at the time of login it shows same authentication error.
So,Please Let me know how to fix it.
Thank you in advance.
How did you install Phabricator? Did you create a user from the command line before visiting it in the browser?
I have installed phabricator from and
I did not create any user from terminal before visiting it in the browser.I created user from browser but it was not working then i created user from command line with another user.
Please let me know about this.
I created user from browser but it was not working then i created user from command line with another user.
I would delete the databases and start again (just run /bin/storage --upgrade to recreate`). I can't tell what you did to get your installation in that state. If you encounter the error again, please copy and paste the error here, along with what steps you did exactly to end up there. should not be followed. It is an out of date guide. We only support installing from our guide.
Phabricator is installed properly.But after installation it shows some error in mysql.
MySQL is Using Default Stopword File
Your MySQL instance is using the builtin stopword file for building search indexes. This can make Phabricator's search feature less useful.
Stopwords are common words which are not indexed and thus can not be searched for. The default stopword file has about 500 words, including various words which you are likely to wish to search for, such as 'various', 'likely', 'wish', and 'zero'.
To make search more useful, you can use an alternate stopword file with fewer words. Alternatively, if you aren't concerned about searching for common words, you can ignore this warning. If you later plan to configure ElasticSearch, you can also ignore this warning: this stopword file only affects MySQL fulltext indexes.
To choose a different stopword file, add this to your my.cnf file (in the [mysqld] section) and then restart mysqld:
(You can also use a different file if you prefer. The file suggested above has about 50 of the most common English words.)
Finally, run this command to rebuild indexes using the new rules:
mysql> REPAIR TABLE phabricator_search.search_documentfield;
The current MySQL configuration has this value:
ft_stopword_file "(built-in)"
If you are using Amazon RDS, some of the instructions above may not apply to you. See User Guide: Amazon RDS for discussion of Amazon RDS.
Could you tell me how to fix it?
Thank you in advance.
@Suhasini_thakur The message tells you how to fix it. Did you attempt to follow the instructions it provided?
@chad.Thank you so much for your response.Actually the problem that I am facing for "Install Pygments to Improve Syntax Highlighting"
I install Pygments using comand "sudo apt-get install python-pygments"
Now i have enable pygments.enabled configuration option.So,Please Let me know how can i enable it?
Unable to get configuraton file.
Thank you so much in advance.