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Provide (or increase visibility of) some Maniphest documentation
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There's no maniphest-related info of any kind @ ?!

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q raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
q updated the task description. (Show Details)
q added a project: Maniphest.
q added a subscriber: q.

When filing feature requests, please describe specific problems:

For example, what do you find confusing about Maniphest or not know how to accomplish?

In case it's useful, we have been creating Maniphest user documentation based on the questions we were getting in our project:

Needless to say, there are many wikimedianisms... :)

What's confusing? For starters, i don't see any tooltips of any kind, while the interface for commands is using images everywhere, instead of text...

But i mainly was looking for a more detailed presentation than .

interface for commands is using images everywhere, instead of text

Can you show me a screenshot of what you mean? I can't think of any places where we do that offhand except this text box, which has tooltips on the icons.

qgil : interesting read, but you can't really rely on mediawiki to host a would-be pseudo-manual. Even though i use MW much more often than phab, and am really fond of their wiki paradigm, i still expected to find info here rather than there. The actual goal i was seeking at first was to find (or create) a page about what Tokens are available, but discovered i have no idea where...

epriestley : Attaching below. Admittedly, most of these are phab's problem, not Maniphest's, but there are still some parts that were overlooked.

maniphest_UI_-_highlights.png (462×1 px, 62 KB)

And this was "at first sight", when i only had reason to access the Search options. Now that i've gotten to look at the task-related interface, those overlooked parts seem much more like exceptions than rule.

PS I find it quite interesting that the TEXT of the task is the only bit that has a tooltip, but it's just repeating itself(!), so it doesn't really provide anything useful.

epriestley : Does "almost-confusing" count? :D

Trying to edit my above comment, i see there's no "preview" option (like this "weigh in" area has (even though it took me some while to realize this is happening!)... But i quickly found a work-around: View Raw, copy, paste in Weigh In, edit until i am satisfied with the current contents, copy, and then Edit Comment, pasting the end result.

Confusing, part 3: what's with the Meme button? What does "Llama Diorama" even mean? Why would i use it just to get an idea about what it does, instead of reading about it and understanding it in full?

This all seems a bit hypothetical to me. What happens when you try to use the tools to get something done?

To the original issue, what were you looking for a detailed presentation for?

epriestley claimed this task.

The task title has a "title" attribute so that you can see the entire title if the title is very long and gets truncated because you resize your screen to be too narrow to show the entire title.

We haven't seen users report difficulty using the menu items, and it looks like you're just remaking on them potentially being problematic rather than actually experiencing an issue. You can click them to figure out what they do if you aren't sure, and they're broadly similar to UIs on other popular sites (like Facebook and Google) which are familiar to most users.

Broadly, since there's no specific problem here with an actionable remedy, I'm just going to close this out. We'll increase the amount of documentation available over time, but want to focus on documentation which solves specific problems which we can't come up with better solutions for (usually, very advanced/complex features, which are currently the best-documented features)

Why would i use it just to get an idea about what it does, instead of reading about it and understanding it in full?

Because this is how the overwhelming majority of users, including myself, interact with software. It is very exceedingly rare for users to begin by reading the manual rather than playing around with a feature.

btrahan : Everything that Maniphest does. That's what i expect to find in a "Documentation" section...

Confusing, part 4: Is there anywhere i can configure the limit (or lack thereof) for that silly "Older changes are hidden. Show older changes." feature?

I think you should go hang out in #phabricator in Lots of users there to ask basic usage questions. Have fun using Phabricator!

epriestley : "increase"? When do you plan to start? And "best-documented"?! Where?

As for interacting with software, yes, that's how i do it too, on my own machine. But a web-app is different, since any non-GET action i take has consequences server-side, and i want to avoid that.

btrahan : Except i'm socially averse. Haven't used IRC more than a few days in the last 15 years.

As for that last bit, at this rate, i won't. Either have fun, or use Phab.

In T7802#106309, @q wrote:

qgil : interesting read, but you can't really rely on mediawiki to host a would-be pseudo-manual.

Well, we are Wikimedia, so of course we can. :) You didn't specify what you needed, and yet I offered you what we have. It's all open licensed content that you can copy, modify, and reuse in whatever way you want as long as you are compliant with the license. Otherwise, just ignore.

qgil : I was under the impression that i'm accessing the Phabricator "main" site, and that this is a project by -- MW and/or WM merely uses phab. Am i missing a large chunk of the overall picture? :)