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Hide "Create New" button (+) if there is nothing that can be created
Closed, ResolvedPublic


For example, if you uninstall all the applications that have items in the Create New menu, you end up with an empty menu that isn't very cool.

pasted_file (98×127 px, 9 KB)

Event Timeline

Mnkras renamed this task from Hide Create New button (+) if there is nothing that can be created to Hide "Create New" button (+) if there is nothing that can be created.
Mnkras raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Mnkras updated the task description. (Show Details)
Mnkras added a project: Design.
Mnkras added a subscriber: Mnkras.

Can you explain more about how you're using Phabricator?

I just noticed it on phacility, you could probably get the same affect by changing the policy on all applications to require users be in a certain group.
Like everyone at a company can login and view, but only those in a specific group can do anything.

New Instance, New Support Ticket, etc. There should be things that end up there. Will let Evan decide.

epriestley added a subscriber: epriestley.

I think this is probably worth hiding if empty, although it also probably won't be empty forever.