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Duplicated tasks should be marked more visibly as duplicates
Closed, ResolvedPublic


When a task is marked as a duplicate and merged, it should be visually clear that such task is over, and that the discussion is now happening somewhere else. Currently duplicates look very similar to open tasks. Especially in the eyes of untrained users, who see in the first place an open request or even an ongoing conversation, and (in our short experience) some do keep posting in good faith, missing the .

  • "Closed, Duplicate" is indeed there on top, but maybe it could benefit from some UX emphasis. Maybe.
  • "Qgil merged this task into..." appears indeed in the log as an action, with a lightgrey-white icon, but that is easy to miss, especially if other actions follow (for instance, a mention in the destination task is likely to come).

While changing the design of "Closed, Duplicate" has other implications, putting more stress in the "merged this task" line shouldn't be problematic. A boldly colored icon would help already.

Event Timeline

qgil raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
qgil updated the task description. (Show Details)
qgil added projects: Maniphest, Design.
qgil added a subscriber: qgil.

Some additional discussion in T6393#80853. In general:

  • I tend to agree that this is worth looking at adding additional emphasis to -- both for duplicates, and for closed tasks in general.
  • As a concrete behavior, a fair number of users on this install subscribe to closed tasks. I'm not sure that this is a mistake, but we get enough of these that it seems like some of them are mistakes rather than users just, e.g., bookmarking the tasks.
  • This is straghtforward to implement naively by throwing a banner at the top of the page, but a naive implementation will be inconsistent across applications (some will show banners on closed objects, others won't). Maniphest seems to be the major application where this is an issue, so maybe that's fine, but it's generally desirable to be consistent.
  • Ponder will probably need a bold status treatment eventually, too.
  • We don't actually denormalize or store what task a task was merged into right now. We'd need to start doing that before we could show "This task was merged into Txyz."
  • Regardless of all that, we can give the "Merge" transaction bolder colors trivially.

(This task discuses some larger considerations; for now, do only the transaction colors, since the rest of this is muddy and amorphous.)

When two tasks are merged with the "Merge Duplicates In" action, the "This task was merged into XXX" and "XXX was merged into this task" transactions render with a default (greyish) color. This is easy to miss, but these transactions are important.


  • Make the "This task was merged into XXX" transaction icon black like "close" (or another color if something else makes more sense).
  • Make the "XXX was merged into this task" transaction icon green like "open" (or another color if something else makes more sense).

To do this:

  • Colors are controlled by ManiphestTransaction->getColor().

To test:

  • Create two tasks.
  • "Merge Duplicates In" one of the tasks into the other.
  • Your changes should be respected immediately on page reload (there's no cache or anything funky).

We could also do something like:

Screen_Shot_2014-11-08_at_11.12.20_AM.png (304×818 px, 35 KB)

Screen_Shot_2014-11-08_at_10.49.05_AM.png (178×734 px, 22 KB)

Only this would be extremely helpful, thank you.

Now... have you considered an equivalent black background treatment at the "Closed, Resolved", "Closed, Merged" under the title?

We intend the header to be consistent across all Phabricator applications. While an open installation of Maniphest likely benefits from a more dramatic treatment, it doesn't make sense everywhere to me.

lpriestley added a subscriber: lpriestley.
chad claimed this task.

I think we've resolved this as far as we're going to for the short-term. Additionally this week we've increased the fonts in the header and subheader (status - policy) as well as now uniformly use indigo to indicate closed in the status and on the timeline. These make it easier to spot and associate closed objects where previously the color for closed was a rather non-special black.

I'd like these changes to bake in for a bit before exploring other solutions. We also built a closed timeline bar, for example, but will hold that back for now.

Ok, thank you! Something is something and this might be enough. I will report back if there is anything relevant.