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Arcanist User Guide: Windows: wrong command line key for Sublime Text
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In documentation:

sublime_text.exe\" -w

But SublimeText on Windows doesn't have key -w. Instead of -w it's possible use key

-n or --new-window:  Open a new window

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I can't reproduce this. On my system (Windows 7, Sublime Text 2), the -w flag works properly (makes the command wait until the document is closed before it exits). sublime_text.exe seems to understand this flag fine.

Can you walk me thorough the specific issues you're seeing? -w does change the behavior on my system (if the file is already open, Sublime exits immediately without -w) so it seems like it does understand this flag.

If I recall correctly, I had the same kind-of issue. The file opened in an already opened instance, and arc would only continue if I closed the entire instance. Adding -n helped in that only the new instance had to be closed.

I could be wrong, of course.

It's conceivable to me that we might need to add -n, although I think we only ever edit temp files (maybe?) so there should never (right?) be an existing instance open? Do you know how you ran into that?

Well, I seem to remember it wrong; when I close the new-commit file in Sublime Text now, arc continues as it should.

I do like to edit my message in a new window, however. Perhaps add the -n option to the documentation for that?