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What should the UI for editing "tab" dashboard panels look like?
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Not sure if either of you had any ideas here. I'm looking to upgrade it from "blob of JSON", but not upgrade it to "a week of JS work building a WYSIWYG interface". Basically, the easiest possible thing to implement that gives normal users a reasonable shot at making a tab panel.

Offhand, I can imagine this:

 Tab 1 Name: [Name]
Tab 1 Panel: [Dropdown V]
 Tab 2 Name: [Name]
Tab 2 Panel: [Dropdown V]

...for, like, 6-ish panels. That's not completely user-hostile, and doesn't require some kind of JS magic control.

Event Timeline

epriestley claimed this task.
epriestley raised the priority of this task from to Normal.
epriestley updated the task description. (Show Details)
epriestley added projects: Dashboards, Design.
epriestley added subscribers: epriestley, chad, lpriestley.
Tab Panel: [Name    ][Select Panel v   ]
           + Add another

yeah "add another" smells a lot like JS to me

that also needs "[-]" and then the "[-]" needs to stop working when there's only one thing

oh god I can't breathe

Yeah. The Herald control ("MultirowManager" IIRC) is sort-of-generic (we use it in the Custom Policy Editor too) but I'm not sure it's the right long-term end state and it's a fair amount of work to hook up.