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Generated keys are "not formatted properly" when you try to edit them
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Settings -> SSH Public Keys -> Generate Keypair
  2. Generate Keypair
  3. Click done (you can ignore downloading the private key)
  4. Click to edit the new public key (for example, to give it a meaningful name)
  5. Attempt to save the public key


Event Timeline

bluehawk raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
bluehawk updated the task description. (Show Details)
bluehawk added a project: Phabricator.
bluehawk added a subscriber: bluehawk.

@zeeg, not sure if you might have hit this last night. D8721 will fix this issue for new keys.

For older keys, you can delete the rsa at the beginning and the Generated Key at the end and they should work fine.