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JIRA/arc diff integration appears to have broken
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Some time in the last few weeks, the JIRA Issues: field when performing arc diff seems to have stopped functioning; it's simply stripped from the commit message entirely after the diff is performed as far as I can tell. Editing the revision and manually linking the ticket continues to work fine, so I assume it's something in the differential text parser.

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Firehed raised the priority of this task from to Low.
Firehed updated the task description. (Show Details)
Firehed added a subscriber: Firehed.

I think that I discovered nature of this bug. Description below:

I've noticed that if I specify in commit message text "Jira issues: XX-1234", then ticket numbers are ignored complety and in message template all that remains is just "Jira issues:" (field is recognized, but values are lost). After poke-debugging I've discovered "patch" which requires to add in DifferentialJIRAIssuesField two simple methods:

public function getRequiredHandlePHIDsForCommitMessage() {
    return $this->getValue();

public function readValueFromCommitMessage($value) {

This may be not fully-featured implementation (e.g. validation is missing), but It's sufficient for whole scenario to work.

This is because default implementation of those methods are hitting generic proxy pattern in DifferentialCustomField

if ($this->getProxy()) {
    return $this;
  return $this;

and there is no proxy, so those methods do nothing. Then, in ConduitAPI_differential_getcommitmessage_Method when call $custom_field->readValueFromCommitMessage($value); is made, then value from request is lost.

Please let me know what you think of this fix?