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Enable inclusion of Differential review information in source repository
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I would like to replicate all information associated with a Differential review such as comments etc in a git repository using git-notes. This would make the repository self-contained and all information related to reviews would be included and available offline. Gerrit stores review information in git-notes, see here and here.

By means of an event listener for the TYPE_LAND_WILLPUSHREVISION git notes could be generated and attached to a landed commit. The event listener needs a way to gather all information related to a review. Currently there seems to be no method to get the necessary information.

epriestley suggested in IRC that a 'differential.querytransactions' method could be added after T2222 has been implemented.

Event Timeline

Kensan raised the priority of this task from to Wishlist.
Kensan updated the task description. (Show Details)
Kensan added a project: Differential.
Kensan added subscribers: Kensan, epriestley.
btrahan claimed this task.

The method to get the necessary information was introduced in rARC37dac61131683502f16f3fe059bf75b914d86652

'workflow' now has a 'getRevisionDict' method.