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Audits created from commits with empty (svn-) commit message dont have a link to open them
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hi there,

we have an external svn repo (i.e. imported into phabricator, hosted somewhere else).
With a simple herald-rule, we create an audit for every commit.
If the commit has an empty message (*) the corresponding audit (in the landing pages overview or in the required audits list) does not have a link to open it , since the commit message text (or part of it) is used to create the link. The audit can be opened by adding the commits id (e.g. rX12345) to the base URL, though.

Expected: Even if the commit message was empty, there should still be a link. Maybe the audits id could also be part of the link, since it is always present.

(*) Since empty commit messages are bad luck, no one should use them and we added a commit hook now to prevent them, this is low prio. ;-)


Event Timeline

the3ver raised the priority of this task from to Low.
the3ver updated the task description. (Show Details)
the3ver added a project: Audit.
the3ver added a subscriber: the3ver.

Yeah, these commits are silly and "shouldn't" exist, but we should handle them better when they do. The Audit UI is overdue for some updates in general.

epriestley claimed this task.

I think this was fixed some time ago, by D9169. See also T3854.