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Improve fallback behavior for "arc branches/bookmarks" when unpublished local state appears to have >1K commits
Open, NormalPublic


This is part of T13546, but narrower. See PHI1828. Currently, if "arc branches" or "arc bookmarks" find more than 1K commits, it fails entirely.

The worst-case fallback behavior should be non-graph display (just a list of branches/bookmarks). The intermediate cases can be improved from there, but we should fall back to "useful output" in the worst case.

Event Timeline

epriestley renamed this task from Improve fallback behavior for "arc branches/bookmarks" to Improve fallback behavior for "arc branches/bookmarks" when unpublished local state appears to have >1K commits.Aug 11 2020, 6:34 PM
epriestley triaged this task as Normal priority.
epriestley created this task.