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Phacility 2019 Week 35 Deployment Log
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This release has an unusual number of changes to billing, instance interfaces, and (later) to some deployment infrastructure.

  • Clicking "Pay Now" from landing page fatals in "PhortuneCartCheckoutController.php:104"; "Call to undefined method PhortuneCartCheckoutController::buildCartContentTable()"
  • Pacts have a bad URI for billing accounts on the "Billing" tab.
  • Instances also have a bad URI for billing accounts on the "Billing " tab. Maybe the handle is using the wrong URI?
  • The sync worker is failing on new instance launch for lack of credentials.
  • "Upgrade Instance" has a bad cancel URI, so you end up on a 404. The actual operation works correctly.

Revisions and Commits

Restricted Differential Revision
rP Phabricator
Audit Required
Audit Required

Event Timeline

epriestley triaged this task as Normal priority.Aug 31 2019, 4:09 PM
epriestley created this task.

The sync worker is failing on new instance launch for lack of credentials.

Credentials should normally be configured by UpgradeDatabase, which ran successfully. This is failing because the database shard is not recognizing that the instance is on the service.

$ /core/bin/host instances        
| Name | Status |

Likely, some not-yet-safe interaction between instances.queryinstances and "core/" slipped through and needs to be partially reverted to put us in a stable state before we move past instances.queryinstances.

Specifically, D20751 removed $result['service']['properties'] but this still needs to have the keys instance.status and instance.out-of-service.

Since I think this is well-understood, I'm going to chase down the other known issues before doing another deploy round.

Clicking "Pay Now" from landing page fatals in "PhortuneCartCheckoutController.php:104"; "Call to undefined method PhortuneCartCheckoutController::buildCartContentTable()"
Pacts have a bad URI for billing accounts on the "Billing" tab.
Instances also have a bad URI for billing accounts on the "Billing " tab. Maybe the handle is using the wrong URI?
The sync worker is failing on new instance launch for lack of credentials.

Deploying fixes for these issues now.

The primary Week 34 / Week 35 deployment has completed without apparent issues. I'm going to deploy some followup changes for T13393 later, but it looks like we're out of the woods on the bulk of outbound changes.

epriestley added a revision: Restricted Differential Revision.Sep 2 2019, 1:04 PM
epriestley added a commit: Restricted Diffusion Commit.Sep 2 2019, 1:06 PM

Everything here appears to have made it to production cleanly.