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AWS is rebooting on August 15, 2018
Closed, ResolvedPublic


One or more of your Amazon EC2 instances is scheduled for maintenance on 2018-08-15 for 2 hours starting at 2018-08-15 08:00:00 UTC. During this time, the following instances in the us-west-1 region will be unavailable and then rebooted:


This is

This box isn't critical (it runs builds for secure) so we can just stop and start it at any time, or let AWS knock it off the grid.

Event Timeline

epriestley created this task.
epriestley added a subscriber: amckinley.

@amckinley, do you want to take this one whenever you get a chance? This seemed to work the last time:

  • Stop in AWS console.
  • Start in AWS console.
  • bin/remote deploy sbuild001

You can test things are working by restarting any build in Harbormaster, I think, and verify that the "upcoming events" thing in AWS no longer shows impending doom for the host.

This just runs Harbormaster builds here, so nothing else will be impacted if there are issues (or we don't get to it before AWS kills it).

This was more fun than expected. Notes for future historians:

  • This host lives in a separate VPC for isolation reasons, and is therefore accessed from the bastion via the DNS name
  • The route53 DNS entry for needs to be updated with the EC2 instance's new public IP in order to bin/remote deploy sbuild001.
  • The Alamanc record for sbuild001 needs to be updated with the new public IP as well in order for builds to actually work.