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Creating a task in the non-default space causes exception in feed renderer
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if I create a task (or other object, it seems) in S2 (access restricted to a group) rather than S1 (default space open to the public) on, I am getting:

Feed Story Failed to Render (PhabricatorApplicationTransactionFeedStory)
Exception: Transaction ("PHID-XACT-TASK-y3oxno5kzuqw4y3", of type "core:space") requires a handle ("") that it did not load.
Tue, Apr 4, 12:09 PM

This is the transaction in phabricator_maniphest.maniphest_transaction:

mysql> select phid, viewPolicy, transactionType, oldValue, newValue, metadata from maniphest_transaction where phid = 'PHID-XACT-TASK-y3oxno5kzuqw4y3';
| phid                           | viewPolicy | transactionType | oldValue | newValue                         | metadata             |
| PHID-XACT-TASK-y3oxno5kzuqw4y3 | public     | core:space      | null     | "PHID-SPCE-nhwverfhu5hqpyd7qzuu" | {"core.create":true} |

Not sure what else is helpful.


phabricator 2460755603cb0ad85c2ab2c2185638a85fcdcc4a (Mon, Apr 3) (branched from 163e1ec4426eb40e15ad46f831a731f13b275918 on origin)
arcanist 60aaee0ed3f5a1e4384ac7d7f2efd2c64cecbe44 (Sat, Mar 25) (branched from d1db9a72b552151613a918e3d49fa72433387a68 on origin)
phutil f568eb7b9542259cd3c0dcb3405cc9a83c90a2f5 (Mon, Apr 3) (branched from c581e769f10c6d2b427900897edba74e01a572bd on origin)