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Feed story failed to render
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hello guys since a while i've got an error showing to my feed story, and while debugging my mails, It just appear that there was an error in the daemons.

Here are the errors :

Feed Story Failed to Render (PhabricatorApplicationTransactionFeedStory)
Exception: Transaction ("PHID-XACT-TASK-oley4s5nof5lzqe", of type "core:space") requires a handle ("") that it did not load.
[16-Mar-2017 02:37:58 UTC] [2017-03-16 02:37:58] EXCEPTION: (PhutilProxyException) Error while executing Task ID 57075. {>} (HTTPFutureCURLResponseStatus) [cURL/7] ( <CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT> The cURL library raised an error while making a request. You may be able to find more information about this error (error code: 7) on the cURL site: at [<phutil>/src/future/http/HTTPSFuture.php:408]
[16-Mar-2017 02:37:58 UTC] arcanist(head=master, ref.master=3b6b523c2b23), phabricator(head=master, ref.master=d6d3ad6f80d9), phutil(head=master, ref.master=13a200ca7621)
[16-Mar-2017 02:37:58 UTC]   #0 <#2> HTTPSFuture::isReady() called at [<phutil>/src/future/Future.php:37]
[16-Mar-2017 02:37:58 UTC]   #1 <#2> Future::resolve() called at [<phutil>/src/future/http/BaseHTTPFuture.php:279]
[16-Mar-2017 02:37:58 UTC]   #2 <#2> BaseHTTPFuture::resolvex() called at [<phabricator>/src/applications/feed/worker/FeedPublisherHTTPWorker.php:32]
[16-Mar-2017 02:37:58 UTC]   #3 <#2> FeedPublisherHTTPWorker::doWork() called at [<phabricator>/src/infrastructure/daemon/workers/PhabricatorWorker.php:123]
[16-Mar-2017 02:37:58 UTC]   #4 <#2> PhabricatorWorker::executeTask() called at [<phabricator>/src/infrastructure/daemon/workers/storage/PhabricatorWorkerActiveTask.php:171]
[16-Mar-2017 02:37:58 UTC]   #5 <#2> PhabricatorWorkerActiveTask::executeTask() called at [<phabricator>/src/infrastructure/daemon/workers/PhabricatorTaskmasterDaemon.php:22]
[16-Mar-2017 02:37:58 UTC]   #6 PhabricatorTaskmasterDaemon::run() called at [<phutil>/src/daemon/PhutilDaemon.php:219]
[16-Mar-2017 02:37:58 UTC]   #7 PhutilDaemon::execute() called at [<phutil>/scripts/daemon/exec/exec_daemon.php:131]

Can someone explain to me how theses errors could appear ?

Event Timeline

To move forward, we need complete reproduction instructions which we can follow to reproduce this issue in a clean environment. See Contributing Bug Reports and Providing Reproduction Steps.

After 6 month seeing the bug, i think i've found why it does that.

This is an old configuration, that as never been reseted (I did migrated my phabricator to another server but not the same version of phabricator)

By browsing my configuration section i noticed that there was a "feed.http-hooks" option with the "" value.

I think that it was an old remnant from an older version of phabricator; but when phabricator were updating the feed, he was trying to connect to this URI and since this uri is no longer available, was receiving a 404 error.

Sorry for my bad post but it was difficult to provide you a reproduction step since it was an automatic action.

And thank you for your quick reply.

epriestley claimed this task.

It sounds like this is resolved.