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Unable to resign from audit / remove own concern from authored commit
Closed, InvalidPublic


The problem seems to be that Phabrictator does not recognize the raised concern as an audit, so it does not present the option to resign from the audit.

Reproduction steps:

  • Open a commit in Diffusion that you have authored yourself
  • Raise a concern
  • Try to remove the concern from the commit using the 'Action' dropdown

Expected result:

  • There is a 'Resign from audit' option in the dropdown

Actual result:

  • There is no 'Resign from audit' option in the dropdown

Version information:

phabricator e4c6ae5345188c26f30eb9533270575316ed51f5 (Nov 3 2016)
arcanist e17fe43ca3fe6dc6dd0b5ce056f56310ea1d3d51 (Oct 22 2016)
phutil 1961d5518822d88e74c2635e4374fc1e6be8160a (Oct 28 2016)

Event Timeline

epriestley added a subscriber: epriestley.

We can only accept bug reports against current versions of Phabricator, as detailed in Contributing Bug Reports. Feel free to file a new report against a modern version, if this issue still reproduces at HEAD of master or stable.