I admin a phabricator instance which has been utilizing Persona to auth against our existing user system. Unfortunately, that is the only supported auth mechanism which Phabricator currently supports and is an option for us and I'm looking for another option before Persona stops working entirely.
The actual authentication is handled by an instance of Ipsilon which is designed to provide SSO to applications and supports OAuth2, amongst other things (OpenID Connect, SAML2, OpenID, Persona).
Instead of adding support for yet another OAuth setup, I'm proposing support for Ipsilon which has a predictable set of URIs (token uri, user info uri etc.) given a known base. Ipsilon is a standard OAuth2 provider and support for ipsilon should be a relatively straight-forward extension of the existing support for OAuth2.
I'm going to be writing some code to support this anyways and since and Ipsilon auth provider could be useful to more people than just us, I figured I would see if you would be interested in such a patch.