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JIRA links with really long names overflow in Revision Details view
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(I don't have a screenshot of this that I can publish)

My team tends to have extremely long titles on JIRAs; In Revision Details, this overruns the actions section, and look ridiculous.

Just setting the white-space to wrap in the .phui-tag-view makes it looks reasonable, but that rule is shared with other things, and I couldn't find a css rule like jira-object.

Event Timeline

eadler added a project: Remarkup.
avivey renamed this task from JIRA links with really long names in Revision Details view overflow to JIRA links with really long names overflow in Revision Details view.Jun 24 2016, 6:25 PM

I'd need to see it to fix it. These are tags?

The value is rendered here:;70463e8a16d4cbe0c83b23b9328c4a359072c506$53

It's a DoorkeeperTagView.

It starts out as a short text, and has some javascript to get the full title from jira.
Setting up a jira test instance is a pain, so maybe there's some db hacking to get it to display something very long...

DoorkeeperTagView is also used for DifferentialAsanaRepresentationField, which is probably easier to set up (?).

I'm just surprised to hear something is still overflowing after D16081.

Here's Chrome's Style page for the element:

pasted_file (990×464 px, 101 KB)

If I'm reading it right, word-wrap: break-word; is active (dark black, no cross-out). Toggling the checkbox doesn't appear to have any effect.

I'm faking my way through it.

css is it's own world of magick.

I don't understand why it's a tag. Does the JIRA link look like a URL or an actual name?

I think it starts out as a URL, and then replaced on the client-side with the name after some AJAX. Most of the time I don't have time to see the "before" text.